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Pub Langla L P school, Barpeta (Assam).

About Pub Langla L P school!

Pub Langla L P school was established in year of 1982. It is located in RUPSHI block of Barpeta district of Assam and it is an Assamese medium school. Its consists of 1 to 5th standards. This school is situated at Langla. The school weather condition is well. So, it is best government school of Langla

The school has government buildings. A beautiful garden is available in front of the school. And it has a playground where students play games. The school has 7 (seven) rooms where 5 (five) rooms are teaching room, 1(one) room is store room and 1 (one) room Head Master/Principal and staff room. There are 3 teachers at the school. 

Pub Langla L P school is a complete beautiful school. Electricity is available in the school. It has well condition class rooms and the class room has contain fan facility. School has toilet for both boys and girls and the school provide pure drinking water supply facility and hand pump also. School has no library, computer and laboratory. The school provide mid day meal every day.

The school has boundary wall and the school functional condition is well. 

Management of the school.

Established:- 1982 

Ownership:- Government 

UDise Code:- 18050303508

Block:- Rupshi 

Location:-  Langla


Village:-  Langla 

Cluster:- Balagaon

District:- Barpeta 

State:- Assam 

Pin:- 781319

Near By School.

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