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What Do You Mean by Understanding self?

Understanding self or self understanding.

It is refers to the self awareness of my self. It is have every individual while they are performs work or achieving the motives or goals. So, it is also known as the self understanding. And it is divided into two forms are as follows-

Self understanding

#1. Self concept. 

It is a process of thinking something of our inner self. The thinking should be valid for both social psychology or humanism. And it is also refers as “self identify, self respective and self picture”. S0, it is our ability or uniqueness of self imaging. 

Components of self concept. 

There are two types of self concept like – 

#1. Personality identity. 

The individual characteristics, attitudes, personality and other physical and psychological features that makes a person unique. 

#2.Social identity. 

Social identity that means the social characteristics and roles & regulation within living a society. We all people are belongs from like community, religion and various other social groups. 

Development of self concept. 

The self concept is unique awareness of own-self. The development of it taken place when the individual is debatable.

The growth of self concept mostly influence during age group of 3-8 years old. So, the major implications of self concept development such as individual behavior, cognitive and emotional status, anxiety levels, social integration and life satisfaction. 

#2. Self esteem. 

The self esteem is a self respect in ones ability or own worth. It is related to the inner feelings like emotion. It is evaluate the positive and negative of the self. 

Development of self esteem. 

Life experience is major component for development of self esteem. The growth of children the positive and negative experience are impact on self esteem. The schools children who have high self esteem tends to have caring and understanding parents. 

The self esteem more having on the school going children. Social understanding also include the self esteem. When the children understand the difference between themselves and peers will begin during schooling. In this time the children begin to make social comparisons and other activities. So, these comparison plays an important role in determining self esteem. 

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