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What is the Role of a Community health nurse?

Definition of community health nursing!

According to American Nurses Association (ANA) is defined as a synthesis of community practice and public health practice, applied to promoting and preserving the health of populations. Health promotion, Health maintenance, health education and management, coordination and continuity of care are used in a holistic approach to management of health care of individuals, families and groups in a community.

Definition of community health nurse!

The community health nurse is defined as the science and art of preventing diseases, promoting, infection control of the community and protection of life. It is organization medical and nursing for diagnosis and preventive treatment of diseases.

The IOM defines public health as “organized community efforts aimed at the prevention of disease and promotion of health.

Role of community health nurse in the community.

There are seven major role of community health nurse as follows-

community health nurse

#1. Care provider.

It is one of the major role of community health nurse. It means care provide to the patients. Nurse should have ability to care the patients and their cares are equal for every patient. The nurse should not justify the rich, poor, politician, beauty and handsome etc. The nurses point of view all patient are equal and as a patient.

#2. Educator.

Education is very important in the community. Every nurse should have their education skills. As a educator nurse is protection of infection and diagnose the diseases.

The community nurse can teach the people, how to prevent the disease and promotion of health.

#3. Advocate.

Every nurse should be a advocate, because they talk the patients with sweetly and they should not be hard.

The advocate refers to the decision maker, problem solver and responsible for patients. They are increases health promotion direction and providing clinical and curative services.

#4. Manager.

The manager is refers to the calculation of the patients such as admission and discharge. The community health nurses are works as a manager because they are focuses on the community people like who is suffering from disease.

#5. Collaborator.

Collaboration is nothing but it is one type of help. The nurse should be a collaborator and they are collaborate other health team members like physician, doctor, social workers, therepists etc. The community health nurses are provide help to the social or community people.

#6. Leader.

The nurses another role is leader. The leader refers to the decision maker and instructions giver for the patients.

They are inspire, motivate the nursing professionals and they work achieving the goals.

#7. Researcher.

Research means the study about deeply of a particular topic and find out the end data or products.

The community health nurses are develop the health care skills for the company people. The researcher nurse promote the health and prevent the disease. They are specially research on community people and their health.

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