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Evolutionary Theory of Social change in Sociology.

Social change. 

Change of social is natural. The social changes occurred in all societies. Social change is may be favorable or unfavorable. 

Social change is refers to the something is happens new. It is includes climate, session, political, education etc. 

Definition of social change. 

“Social change as any alterations as occurs in social organization that is the structure and functions of society”. 

Evolutionary theory of social change.

Evolutionary theory. 

The evolutionary theory is a slow or gradually process of social change. It is changes the social. It is at beginnings is simple but at end is complex change. 

This theory was describe the five sociologists are as below- 

1. LH Morgan. 

According to Morgan. 

He believed that there were three basic stages in the process. 

  • 1. Savagery.  

It is a fierce or brutal violence. It is one type of physical change. For example war. 

  • 2. Barbarian. 

It is unexpected things of the social and it’s effect is very bad on the social. 

  • 3. Civilization. 

It is a caste and religious system. The civilization is based on the some common characteristics, values, norms etc. 

2. Auguste Comte. 

He is describe the social change by develop of human thought. He point out the three stages of social change. 

  • Theological. 
  • Metaphysical. 
  • The positive. 

3. Charles Darwin. 

The Darwin theory is of “organic evaluation”. It is applied to the human society and argued that, societies must have evolved from too simple and primitive to that of too complex and advanced such as the western society. 

4. Herbert Spencer. 

Herbert Spencer is describes the social change is a developing process and towards a better state. He argued that it is evolved from military society to the industrial society. 

5. Emile Durkheim. 

He advocated that societies have evolved from relatively undifferentiated social structure with minimum of division of labor and with a kind of solidarity called “Mechanical solidarity” to a more differentiated social structure with maximum division of labor given rise to a kind of solidarity a called “Organic solidarity”. 

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